Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Nothing is like a live La Boca futbol game in Buenos Aires

Wow so I am not being very consistent or frequent with this blogging. Didn't make it to MALBA as I'd said I planned in my last entry. Toured San Telmo and La Boca neighbourhoods on bike with a few people, two who became my Buenos Aires teammates up to my leaving for Uruguay Monday morning.

Gia is scottish but lives in Sydney working as an SDA travel office area manager. Her 6 month trip is incredible. Parts of South, Central and North America, and Asia. Great chick who got eaten alive by mozzies and took charge of the map so I could often just zone out and enjoy my surroundings. 

Then there was Roxy, from San Francisco who was our spanish translator (knowing more than just the basics) was supremely helpful. She's been working as a Game Producer for 5 years creating live team building games/events all over the US. I sooo want to go to one now. 

We managed to really get a solid feel for B.A. even managing to take in a futbol (soccer) match on Saturday which was insane!!! La Boca Juniors game for Martin Palermo's retirement. (google it) Sat across the stadium from "the Twelve"... a group of fans known for going BANANAS through the entire game. Chants, Songs, Jumping in the thousands to shake the stadium, serious banners and an orchestra... mental. I made a video on my camera and caught the opening with confetti and fireworks included. Once I can get to a computerwith a USB I'll post with photos. I know I'm failing miserably in that area of this blog. (Found a place where I can post photos!)
Can you see the fans in the Group of Twelve as the are known hanging off the stands?
check this insanity out... the ground shook with all the fans cheering and jumping... "hectic" according to Gia
Me wearing sunglasses in the team colours with Gia (Glasgow) & Roxy (San Fran) 
stencil style graffiti
I just love donkeys almost as much as goats
Also visited the La Boca neighbourhood of Caminito known for the colourful buildings (used left over paint from nearby shipyards back in the day. Now it is a total tourist zone.

On our last night was added Andy (Washington DC) to the team for a Tango show. We got a little silly at the show but that really just felt like we'd come together as a groupand though I was glad to leave sweaty BA for the chill town of Colonia, Uruguay on Monday, I already miss them and hope I meet up with Roxy somewhere in Patagonia in the next 2 weeks.

Off to catch my bus to Puerto del Este beaches of Uruguay... hope you're all well. 

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